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[Video] Američani opozarjajo svoje državljane: “Vsi takoj odidite iz Belorusije!”

Novice / Svet[Video] Američani opozarjajo svoje državljane: “Vsi takoj odidite iz Belorusije!”

Aleksander Lukašenko, beloruski predsednik (Foto: epa) Ameriška vlada je pozvala ameriške državljane, naj nemudoma zapustijo Belorusijo. Opozorilo je bilo izdano, potem ko so se sosednje države Belorusije (Litva, Latvija in … · Nova24TV · 8M

    belorusija svet aleksander lukašenko zda objavi tvitaj

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    Avtomobilski izzivi, zanimivi motocikli in kolesa

    Vsi lovijo Teslo, a celoten električni delež je še majhen – Resne kitajske napovedi – Večja prodaja motornih koles in skuterjev. Že nekaj časa so v avtomobilizmu glavna tema električni … · Delo · 1L

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      Garminova športna pametna ura Fenix 7, postaja pametnejša od uporabnika. Garminovega Fenixa spremljamo že od njihovega prvega modela, ki je bil predstavljen leta 2012. Vedno je izstopal iz povprečja in … · Delo · 2L

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        This is the trio close to LMŠ, which is pressuring the National Bureau of Investigation: their methods are becoming more and more brutal!

        This is the trio close to LMŠ, which is pressuring the National Bureau of Investigation: their methods are becoming more and more brutal!

        According to criminal investigators who wish to remain anonymous, Rok Cvetko, Gregor Novak, and Mitja Gregorc are acting according to their political interests, in the police. (Photo: STA) An anonymous … · Nova24TV · 3L

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        6 novic

        At the Mass, offered for the homeland, Bishop Bizjak thanked the highest state representatives for successfully running the country

        At the Mass, offered for the homeland, Bishop Bizjak thanked the highest state representatives for successfully running the country

        Foto: Twitter/Predsednik republike A Mass, offered for the homeland, was held in the Ljubljana Cathedral, at which the most prominent representatives of the country also gathered. In his sermon, the … · Nova24TV · 3L

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        9 novic